RIP Johnny Grunge/Thursday’s events
Published on 19 Feb 2006 at 5:32 am.
Filed under Life,Wrestling.
Professional wrestler Johnny Grunge died on Thursday from sleep apnea. Grunge was the remaining half of the tag team Public Enemy (his tag team partner Rocco Rock died in 2002). Grunge is the first professional wrestler to die since the recent death of Eddie Guerrero. Unlike Rock and Guerrero, Grunge’s death was in no way related to a past problem with drugs. I think it’s a sad state of affairs when I find it refreshing to hear a wrestler’s death not having to do with drugs. 🙁
Sadly, I never got to see Public Enemy in their heyday Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). They had left for World Championship Wrestling (WCW) before any station in Rochester picked up ECW. Like most things in WCW, Public Enemy was watered down from their hardcore roots and was pretty boring to watch. They eventually showed up in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) for like three weeks before both parties split due to disagreements. Public Enemy’s career seemed to go in reverse, heading back to WCW and then finally ECW before it folded.
I have to admit that hearing of Grunge’s death was a mighty big downer. I had spent the day hanging out with my friend Christine after a CPS departmental lunch. We ended up going to Brockport Bowl where we played a few games of bowling (where I was mighty damned lucky and bowled pretty decently for a person that doesn’t bowl), a few games of darts (she kicked my butt), and then some basketball shootout thing. We then went to (evil) Wal-Mart to kill time and let her pick up something (I forget what it was). As a super early birthday present (my birthday is in March), she bought me a racquetball racquet (now I need to find a place around here so I can practice and stop sucking when I play her). I bought her a present that I know <sarcasm>she just loves and will cherish forever</sarcasm>. 🙂 Not saying what it was though, so don’t ask.