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Published on 14 Feb 2010 at 9:20 pm.
Filed under Life,Politics,Web stuff.
Just wanted to post here that I have created a new Web site dedicated to my new Firefox extension Local Load. Phase one of Local Load is to allow developers to speed up the loading of their Web sites and to save on bandwidth by loading a copy of the most popular JavaScript frameworks on […]
Read ‘Local Load’
Published on 2 Jun 2009 at 8:48 pm.
Filed under Politics,Rants.
From a recent CNN article. Obama lost to Republican presidential candidate John McCain by 11 percentage points and close to 1 million votes. Still, that margin is less than more than half of what it was when the state’s favored son George W. Bush was on the presidential ballot. Let me emphasize that again less […]
Read ‘And yet print media is dying?’
Published on 4 May 2009 at 9:42 pm.
Filed under Politics.
Yeah, it may be a library dedicated to his presidency so it’s not totally selfless, but it is still a worthwhile endevor. Something that any President should have. Good job.
Read ‘Bush raises 100 mil for library’
Published on 1 May 2009 at 9:58 pm.
Filed under Politics.
Been thinking about the state of the Republican party lately and yes, I am one of those that believes that the Republican party looks to be going down in flames. Driving Specter away and advocating more extremism has shown the mindset of the party and how they are distancing themselves from the values of the […]
Read ‘A call to Libertarians’
Published on 15 Sep 2008 at 7:53 pm.
Filed under Politics.
In a refreshingly shocking display of freedom, a San Francisco court ruled that the government must receive warrants before they may receive GPS information from cell phone companies. This is a ruling I’m particularly curious about, because my family has called me a “conspiracy theorist” because I actually believed this very thing. I don’t know […]
Read ‘4th Amendment not dead yet’
Published on 1 Sep 2008 at 9:23 pm.
Filed under Politics.
It has recently come to light that Republican Presidential candidate John McCain’s Vice-Presidential pick Sarah Palin’s teenage daughter, Bristol, is pregnant. These information was released with the intent to quell Internet rumors claiming that Sarah’s four month old child with Down Syndrome is actual Bristol’s. The Democratic Party’s Presidential candidate Barack Obama has come out […]
Read ‘On Bristol Palin’s pregnany’
Published on 1 Nov 2006 at 7:56 pm.
Filed under Politics.
So, are they mocking John Kerry or are they proving him right? 😉
Read ‘Troops on Kerry’
Published on 11 Apr 2006 at 11:13 pm.
Filed under Politics.
It looks like Rochester was too entralled with all of the national press that it received over the whole J-Mac debacle. So what do we do? We suspend a student for taking Advil. Hey, it made it onto the main page of Fark! Is drug abuse a serious problem with some kids? Yes. Is something […]
Read ‘My city is an attention whore’
Published on 27 Feb 2006 at 3:15 am.
Filed under Politics.
Herobuilders has released a new Dick Cheney action figure named “You Don’t Know Dick”. Cheney comes with a shotgun and spike tipped shoes and is sculpted with his classic evil grin. Herobuilders has an array of political leaders (which, sadly, includes Jesus — who has a sound effect feature where he speaks English) such as […]
Read ‘You Don’t Know Dick’
Published on 19 Feb 2006 at 5:09 am.
Filed under Politics.
The Democrat & Chronicle’s most recent piece on the certificate of use reads more like the propaganda that the city was putting out. Some business owners are defying the new regulations, which require city businesses to undergo additional inspections, pay a $100 licensing fee and reapply for a certificate of use annually. Technically true! This […]
Read ‘Inaccuracy thy name is D & C’
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