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Heartbleed Critical SSL Vulnerability

Published on 13 Apr 2014 at 7:48 pm. No Comments.
Filed under Google,Informative.

The critical SSL vulnerability called Heartbleed is in the news. Here we explain how it affects you. What is Heartbleed? Heartbleed is the name of a critical bug recently found in OpenSSL. OpenSSL is the most popular cryptology software in the world. This means that two-thirds of the web was vulnerable. Even worse is that […]

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The Need for SPDY

Published on 10 Apr 2014 at 7:07 pm. No Comments.
Filed under Google,Informative,Mobile,Search Engine Optimization.

Security is no excuse for slowness. With the SPDY protocol your secure HTTPS traffic transfers faster. What is SPDY? You have probably heard of HTTP. HTTP is the protocol that delivers unsecured content on the web. This is fine for most sites since most don’t take in sensitive material like credit card data, social security […]

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