Rants Category Archives
Published on 2 Jun 2009 at 8:48 pm.
Filed under Politics,Rants.
From a recent CNN article. Obama lost to Republican presidential candidate John McCain by 11 percentage points and close to 1 million votes. Still, that margin is less than more than half of what it was when the state’s favored son George W. Bush was on the presidential ballot. Let me emphasize that again less […]
Read ‘And yet print media is dying?’
Published on 5 Jun 2006 at 10:05 pm.
Filed under Rants.
The newly launched BLog@Newsarama announced that Cartoon Network has secured the rights to air Pee-Wee’s Playhouse on Adult Swim. Adult Swim, Cartoon Network’s late night sister network featuring animation and other programming aimed at adults 18-34, will air the groundbreaking series Monday-Thursday at 11 p.m. (ET, PT), airing all 45 original half-hour episodes of the […]
Read ‘Crappy Live Action 80’s Television Network returns’
Published on 24 Apr 2006 at 12:34 am.
Filed under Rants.
In a giant WTF moment, NBC has okayed the development of 30 new episodes of Saved by the Bell. How the bloody heck can Saved by the Bell do so well in the ratings that it is getting brought back after only being shown for a week, while Futurama has been on for years with […]
Read ‘New Saved by the Bell’
Published on 12 Mar 2006 at 7:23 pm.
Filed under Rants.
Slashdot has an article up on Symantec rethinking the report they did on vulnerabilities on Firefox vs. IE. Previously it concluded that IE was more secure because Microsoft declared less of the bugs that they found to be critical flaws than Mozilla did for Firefox. Symantec has now realized that vendor’s acknowledging something as a […]
Read ‘Symantec on Firefox security’
Published on 11 Jan 2006 at 11:42 pm.
Filed under Life,Politics,Rants,Wrestling.
How is that for a title? A bit has happened within the last few days, and I felt it easier to talk about them all in this post rather than a series of rapid blog entries. I spent most of Monday with my good friend Christine. She came over, saw the Christmas decorations that are […]
Read ‘Hanging out with a friend, the exposure of breast, mental health problems, the death of a ferry, and the dissolution of the NET’
Published on 9 Jan 2006 at 4:23 am.
Filed under Life,Rants.
So I just spent the last god knows how many minutes trying to open the home docking kit for Sirius so I could listen to it at home and would install the car kit later (after looking at the instructions and wondering how in the hell am I going to get this thing on the […]
Read ‘Sirius sucks and friday night volleyball’