Occupy Occupy
Published on 17 Nov 2011 at 4:59 pm.
Filed under rant,Social Media.
You’ve heard the word “Occupy” a lot lately thanks to the Occupy Wall Street movement. That word seems to have been taken over by the Web, and it’s just doesn’t make sense.
Since the OWS movement started I have seen the word occupy used, mostly on Twitter, in front of anything anybody doesn’t like. Examples:
- #OccupHTML5 – First used after HTML5 editor Ian “Hixie” Hickson decided that the dropped it from the spec. Literally millions of sites have been built using the element already, and Google even supports it in their Rich Snippets Tool, so people were angry. The movement won out, and the element has been re-added to the spec.
- #OccupyGoogleReader – People who don’t like the new interface to Google Reader. I honestly expect to see this the time any website changes their interface.
- #OccupyFlash and #OccupyHTML – The former has become a movement to rid the Web of Adobe Flash saying HTML5’s time has come, while the latter is a movement that says use the best of both worlds, saying a lack of Flash holds the Web back because their are some things that just can’t be done using regular HTML. Amusingly enough, the movements have created their own websites: OccupyFlash and OccupyHTML.
- #OccupyGoogle – Any time anyone notices any change in anything Google related. I honestly don’t even think people are complaining most of the time, nor do they want change. It’s pointless and a little confusing.
- #OccupyFacebook and #OccupyYouTube – Just because. They haven’t figured out what to even complain about, they just thought it was due.
I get it, the whole “Occupy Everything On The Web” was funny when it started, and I did find Will Smith holding up a Fresh Prince-inspired 1% picture amusing. But the moment has passed. Let it go.
As to anyone reading this that wishes to make a comment on the Occupy Wall Street movement I will say don’t bother. This post is not a political forum and no comments will be approved either supporting or detracting from the movement.
This post was originally published as Occupy Occupy for The BrandBuilder Company.