Mobile Operating System / Vendor Checklist

Published on 15 Sep 2011 at 3:56 pm.
Filed under Mobile.

Here is a table that shows what company owns what Operating System and what companies just deliver mobile devices using that OS.
mobile operating systems

O = Owner
P = Phone
T = Tablet

Anything with a strike through in it means they no longer make that, but once did. A star (*) indicates they are working on one but have not yet released it.

iOS Android BlackBerry Windows Phone Symbian webOS MeeGo bada
Apple O, P, T x x x x x x x
RIM x x O, P, T x x x x x
Microsoft x x x O x x x x
Motorola x O, P, T x x x x x x
Samsung x P, T x P x x x O, P
HTC x P, T x P x x x x
HP x x x x x O, P, T x x
Nokia x x x P* O, P x O, P x
Intel x T x x x x O x
Dell x P x P x x x x
LG x P x P x x x x

This post was originally published as Mobile Operating System / Vendor Checklist for The BrandBuilder Company.

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