Sports Columnist Doesn’t Know Difference Between Ovation and Lull
Published on 20 May 2009 at 8:55 pm.
Filed under Wrestling.
During a recent article on WWE being kicked out of the Pepsi Center the columnist ended the article with this little tidbit:
Little more than a month ago, the WWE took in $52 million staging WrestleMania 25 in Houston, making it the highest-grossing one-day entertainment event so far this year. Judging by the applause, the crowd’s favorite moment came when actor Mickey Rourke, who received an Oscar nomination for portraying a washed-up wrestler struggling to hang on, knocked WWE star Chris Jericho with a single punch.
Apparently said writer was never taught the definition of applause. See for most people when they judge something by applause they are usually talking about what got the most applause, not the least. The whole Mickey Rourke thing was just to get free publicity, it wasn’t about building the most electrifying moment of the night — the Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match.