Archives for May 2009
Published on 24 May 2009 at 10:58 pm.
Filed under Web stuff.
As the Internet becomes more and more engraved into our everyday lives, if you are going to do business over the Web, you should educate yourself on what goes into a browser and how those features can effect your overall business decisions. For the purpose of this article I shall cover the two features that […]
Read ‘What’s in a browser?’
Published on 20 May 2009 at 8:55 pm.
Filed under Wrestling.
During a recent article on WWE being kicked out of the Pepsi Center the columnist ended the article with this little tidbit: Little more than a month ago, the WWE took in $52 million staging WrestleMania 25 in Houston, making it the highest-grossing one-day entertainment event so far this year. Judging by the applause, the […]
Read ‘Sports Columnist Doesn’t Know Difference Between Ovation and Lull’
Published on 4 May 2009 at 9:42 pm.
Filed under Politics.
Yeah, it may be a library dedicated to his presidency so it’s not totally selfless, but it is still a worthwhile endevor. Something that any President should have. Good job.
Read ‘Bush raises 100 mil for library’
Published on 1 May 2009 at 9:58 pm.
Filed under Politics.
Been thinking about the state of the Republican party lately and yes, I am one of those that believes that the Republican party looks to be going down in flames. Driving Specter away and advocating more extremism has shown the mindset of the party and how they are distancing themselves from the values of the […]
Read ‘A call to Libertarians’