Congratulations newly weds
Published on 29 Jul 2007 at 8:33 pm.
1 Comment.
Filed under Life.
So in a weird twist of fate yesterday both my cousin Blake and my old grade school friend Matt got married and both had their reception at the Burgundy Basin. My cousin also got married there, but Matt did not. I am incredibly happy for both couples and wish them the best.
I was the best man at my cousin’s wedding. Here is the text of my toast.
Blake and Kelly.
Going on what? 7 years strong?
Through out that time they’ve made a lot of memories. A lot of significant memories. I think it’s safe to say that I don’t think any of them will have topped this.
Like every couple, they’ve also had some sad memories. In the last two years they’ve both lost loving grandmothers that were important to each of them. I know that we all wish that they could both be here for this.
I think the moment to show me how much they really needed each other happened a couple of years ago. It was Easter, and Blake… let’s just say that Blake wasn’t feeling very well. We had to take Blake to the hospital because he wasn’t making much sense. During that time, the one person that could reach him was Kelly. She helped center him. Looking to the future, I don’t see that ever stopping. Heh, not taking Blake to the hospital that is.
Let the love they share never die.
God bless Kelly and Blake.
During the reception my mom, Blake, Kelly and I decided to crash my old friend Matt’s wedding.
You see, Blake remembers hanging out with Matt’s now wife Shannon about a decade ago when the two of them, myself, and my old friend Derek had went to a festival. I believe this may have been around the time my mom was suffering from cancer. I believe Matt had just met Shannon around that time or may have met her at that date (I forget the exact details). Matt and Shannon have been together on and off ever since then. 🙂
Wodstock on 29 Jul 2007 at 10:38 pm: 1
Congrats to the newlyweds…But, get a pic of just you all dressed up now!