Transformers Movie Greenlighted

Published on 6 Mar 2006 at 9:18 pm.
Filed under Comics.

Producer Don Murphy announced that the announced Transformers Live Action Movie has officially been given the green light. Don Murphy has worked with translating comic book characters (Transformers had a comic before the cartoon or the action figures came out) into movies, having worked on Alan Moore’s From Hell and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (LXG).

I don’t know how I feel about that. The movie version of From Hell wasn’t very close to the comic book one, and the movie version of LXG wasn’t well received from what I heard (I never saw it). I know that Transformers has had a plethora of continuities, so the movie having its own continuity doesn’t bother me that much. Still, most people are going to want to see something like the first show. That said, a live action Transformers movie? That just seems so weird. Ah well, we’ll see how this goes.

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