Feeling Bleh
Published on 5 Mar 2006 at 9:44 pm.
Filed under Life.
Been getting stomach aches quite a bit lately. It started out as small aches that wouldn’t last long and quickly go away. Now it’s been building up and up. This morning I woke up at 6 with a severe stomach ache. Because I couldn’t find anything in this danged house, I ran put on the clothes I had the night before and ran to the local Wilson Farms to get some Pepto-Bismol. When I got home I took a swig and tried to lay down, woke up at 8 something (which was about an hour later) with more pain. Another swig and I’m up at 10 something.
Still in pain I don’t remember what happened, but I eventually remembered that I had been noticing less sever pains in the days prior that would go away when I ate something. I had breakfast, and was feeling full after a few bites.
My whole system is reeling here, I’m groggy and want sleep, stomach is settling down but is still achey from feeling bad. Gah. I think I’m developing some stomach acid problems. 🙁
Stupid stomach.
So today I had a big bowl of pasta (my usual Sunday lunch at my grandparent’s place), followed up by a hot dog and fries and a shake from Shellors (sp.) (my usual Sunday dinner that my grandparents get me). You’d think that might bother a person with stomach acid pains? Nope. No heartburn or anything. Just hunger pains. What the heck?
Similarly, why the heck do I have to run to the restroom to urinate so danged much when I must have nothing in my system? Is my body just eating itself? Where am I getting this from? Grr.